


哈登这样说道:“莫雷就是个骗子,我永远不会再跟他同处一队。我再强调一遍,莫雷就是个骗子,我永远不会再跟他同处一队(Daryl Morey is a liar, and I will never be a part of the organization that he's a part of.)。”


新闻链接>>>>>>哈登中国行炮轰莫雷:他就是个大骗子 我永远不会再跟他同处一队


[–]76ersHummer77x 371 points 15 hours ago

Tbf this makes me like him more I don’t even care that he wants out and hates the organization


[–]Raptorsmrsirking 1665 points 15 hours ago

I stand with James Harden. I too will never be part of an organization Daryl Morey is a part of.


[–]Fighting-Cerberus 28 points 13 hours ago

I too will never be part of an organization that Morey is part of.

Although if someone offered me $30 million I’d do it in a heartbeat.


[–]PelicansElliottP1707 57 points 14 hours ago

To say Daryl’s name out loud like that. Not the organisation or some vague figurehead. To explicitly blame Daryl shows how bitter that has got. He will refuse to play and I can see the league having to get involved.


[–]Timberwolvesbigtasty321 4875 points 15 hours ago

This is about as toxic and effective as he could have taken this to get the move out of Philly, way more powerful than the fat suit


[–]Lakershalfdecenttakes 16 points 13 hours ago

This has got to be one of the most shocking player/GM breakups ever right?

These dudes have been connected forever at this point. Never thought Harden would be publicly bashing Morey.


[–]MagicCharlieKellyKapowski 672 points 13 hours ago

Or will Philly fire Morey and try to salvage situation that way?


[–]76ersHummer77x 1126 points 12 hours ago

Tbh this would be the funniest option


[–]Lakersfrozteh 837 points 15 hours ago*

The amount of casual comments implying that they aren't sure whether this is real or not because of AI has confirmed my opinion that most of you are just dumb as fuck.

湖人球迷:还有一大波人说这个视频真假难辨,有可能是AI做出来的…听到这儿,不得不提一下我多年来潜心研究得出的理论成果了 - “大部分地球人都是大傻逼”~~~

[–]NBAHammyFresh 142 points 15 hours ago

It’s real and pretty obvious what happened. Morey promised Harden a max extension and went back on his word. He doesn’t want to give the extension but also won’t trade Harden. This is Harden’s nuclear option and probably his only option. Make a big stink, tank his value, force the 76ers to move him or lose their season and another precious year of Embiid’s prime.


[–]WarriorsWhenItsHalfPastFive 599 points 15 hours ago

Holy fuck it's true. Damn, Morey burned this bridge hard. Sorry, but if you can't make anything out of a combo of Embiid and Harden, you're a terrible GM, especially if ends this badly.

勇士球迷:我靠这是真的啊…哎…莫雷把事情做得也太绝了... 不好意思我说话比较直,如果你有恩比德和哈登在手,却什么也没干成,那你这个经理干得可就太烂了,而且还把局面搞得这么难看…

[–]Greaves624 309 points 15 hours ago

Yeah Morey played the game too hard


[–]Rocketsbrowndude10 82 points 13 hours ago

I mean morey said he left the rockets to go spend time with his family then immediately got with the sixers so he is kind of a liar.


[–]Right-Pirate-7084 684 points 12 hours ago

When morey told the story of parking tickets in Houston I knew he was a dick. He parks, and either double parks, doesn’t pay, etc.. builds up tickets, gets a boot. Rather than pay he buys a new car and trade the booted car in to the dealer with the stipulation the dealer handles the boot and tickets.


[–]LakersSmooth-Jaguar 491 points 9 hours ago

Hes a fucking domestic terrorist goddamn