4月7日讯 切尔西昨日官宣兰帕德第二次执教球队。在去年的3月这位蓝军传奇任职埃弗顿主帅时,于对阵狼队的英超赛前,曾谈到了关于前老板阿布的话题。 以下是旧采访及参考译文:(旧采访文案来源为进球网Goal.com) “One of the questions earlier said I was close to Roman Abramovich. I could count on the fingers of one hand how many times I’ve seen him in the last many years," “I worked for Chelsea Football Club for 13 years and it was an absolute pleasure, and that’s exactly where I want to leave that one. "I care about the fans; the fans of Chelsea that were there before us and will be there after us. It is a tough moment for the club." 参考译文: “之前有一个问题说我和阿布拉莫维奇关系密切。在过去的这几年里,我见到他的次数一只手就能数过来。” “我为切尔西效力了13年,那绝对是一种幸福,而那正是我想要留下的东西。 “我关心球迷,那些之前支持我们的或是之后会支持我们的切尔西球迷。现在对于俱乐部来说是个艰难的时刻。” |